10 self care habits to start doing now
We all know I’m a FREAK when it comes to my to-do lists, right? Well I often hear people and even myself say “I don’t have time for that”. And it’s funny because when I actually make a list, and put that specific thing on my list… I almost ALWAYS have time for it. SOOO, we DO have the time… it’s just that we are not spending it wisely, or how we would actually want to! Ya know?
I have a goal for you for next week – choose something you’ve always wanted to get done each day, and usually find yourself not getting it done due to time. NOW make a daily checklist, add it on there, and report back to me if you ended up getting to it!! You obviously have to put in the effort, but if it’s something you’ve really been wanting, you’ll see it’ll come easier than you think 🙂
1.) wake up earlier. An added bonus if it’s at the same time everyday! Humans are creatures of habit. It will get easier by the day, I promise!
2.) create a realistic routine. One that you WILL stick with every single day. So probably don’t start with your DREAM routine, but build up to it slowly so you don’t burn out easily or get overwhelmed and give up altogether! One step/day at a time!
3.) move your body. DAILY. I’m not just talking about the gym. One hour a day will not make up for the many others spent sitting at your desk. Schedule a walk with your favorite podcast, start your morning with a quick pilates or yoga class (this can be done from home on YouTube so no commute added!) go for a bike ride, etc. Something to keep you moving throughout the day and then a trip to the gym would be your workout! This one should be high up on your self care habits list!
4.) eat nourishing foods. This is a no brainer, and definitely very cliche. But there’s a reason for that. Healthier foods = happier you. And that actually is a scientific fact soooo 😛 Just like creating a routine, start with something small like adding lemon to your water, or making a healthier grocery list! Build up to making sure you get an appropriate amount of proteins and veggies in each meal.
If you think it’s impossible, start with supplements, there’s nothing wrong with supplementing where you lack! *with A LOT of supplements and opinions out there, just be sure to do your own research or ask your doctor/nutritionist etc! And of course treat yourself, don’t deprive yourself from the treats, just be conscious of them!
comment on my instagram reel – which emoji best describes your favorite daily self care habit <3
5.) take your vitamins every morning. Don’t forget it 😛 I personally take Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, and Omega-3’s! These work really well for me. I will slowly start adding more B vitamins to the mix but for now these work! I actually got big into taking my vitamins everyday as part of my skincare routine, and it was just a double whammy for me that it comes with ALL sorts of benefits!
6.) unplug + be in the moment. This one is weird for me. I’m very much on my electronics and socials ALL day, considering I “work” from them. But I also LOVE and know exactly when I NEED to unplug and it feels SO GOOD. I do not allow myself on any social platform until my morning routine is finished! This is a good 2.5 hours after I wake up and I’ve found that it’s perfect for me! So just remember, unplugging is most definitely a form of self care habits, especially when you use the time to gather your thoughts and just be alone with yourself! (here’s a recent post of mine that you may enjoy!: 5 reasons why alone time is so important)
7.) pampering yourself. Schedule for longer showers/baths (all it takes is probably an extra 5 minutes or so) to do all the things to keep you relaxed, instead of a quick in and out boom boom get the job done type of deal. Take the time to feel the water hitting you and relax, exfoliate, lather with lotion afterward and just LOVE IT!!
8.) one minute rule. If a task will only take one minute or less, stop what you’re doing and do it NOW. Or else it WILL end up piling up on your to-do list with ALL the other things and THEN you will become overwhelmed!!
Example: I bought a freaking coat rack and put it by our door so our coats wouldn’t be hanging on the banister at the top of the steps… but what do you know… they are still somehow on the banister because we don’t take the extra THIRTY SECONDS to walk back downstairs to do so!! This can be applied for soooo many things!
9.) clear your space. Not saying you have to deep clean everyday. But if you’re spending majority of your time in one spot, try to keep it as tidy and organized as possible. This allows for clearer thoughts and feeling less overwhelmed.
Example: I have a habit of leaving my comfys next to my bed at night, and then putting on a new comfy set the next day leaving the ones from the night before right there by the bed. So it tends to pile up until I get overwhelmed. Circle back to the one minute rule, it takes less than one minute to put them either in the hamper or back in the drawer! Note, I do not spend a lot of time in my room, but the time I do spend in there should be calming/relaxing/and NOT have me feeling overwhelmed! So, any space goes!
10.) earlier bed time. Go to bed earlier than when you are currently. Also, at the same time every single night, just as the morning. It’ll get easier as the days go on, and it’ll definitely help with the waking up earlier aspect!! GOOD QUALITY SLEEP IS SERIOUSLY KEY IN EVERY SINGLE THING.
If there is ONE thing you take from this, or start to slowly implement – make it be too go to bed earlier and wake up earlier! Sleep needs to be your number one priority when it comes to your self care habits! GOOD QUALITY SLEEP IS SERIOUSLY SO IMPORTANT AND SO CRUCIAL FOR A HAPPIER HEALTHIER DAY/LIFESTYLE! Start there!!
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