holiday gift guide for the health nut!As always, things are just that... THINGS! Not a single thing on these gift guides that I will be sharing over the next month (or ever really) will be things that anyone NEEDS. I'm sharing these gift guides in hopes to help anyone that will be purchasing gifts for people this season, because I enjoy it!Maybe this helps discover a new item, or maybe this helps you with time and not having to do all the ... Read the Post...
2021 holiday gift guide for him
2021 holiday gift guide for himAs always, things are just that... THINGS! Not a single thing on these gift guides that I will be sharing over the next month (or ever really) will be things that anyone NEEDS. I'm sharing these gift guides in hopes to help anyone that will be purchasing gifts for people this season, because I simply enjoy it and I hope it's helpful! Maybe this will help you find new things/give you new ideas or maybe this will help ... Read the Post...
2021 holiday gift guide for the beauty queen
2021 holiday gift guide for the beauty queenAs always, things are just that... THINGS! Not a single thing on these gift guides that I will be sharing over the next month (or ever really) will be things that anyone NEEDS. I'm sharing these gift guides in hopes to help anyone that will be purchasing gifts for people this season, because I enjoy it! Maybe it helps you discover a new item you think someone will like, or maybe it will help you with ... Read the Post...
cute fall coats + jackets you’ll love | all from amazon
From someone who is always, always, hot - cute fall coats + jackets are the perfect way to dress "up" a casual outfit for fall without completely sweating through your new sweater... amiright?! LOL! I love a fall sweater as much as the next basic gal, but in the early stages of fall where it's not yet cold but also not still really hot, this is where it's at! It really grinds my gears when it's cold outside and once you walk into a building ... Read the Post...