2022 gift guide for herThis time of year can truly be overwhelming with the amount of sales, and gift guides being thrown your way so I ALWAYS want to start these posts off by saying NO gift is NEEDED. NONE of these items are things you NEED to have or NEED to purchase for someone. These are all simply WANTS and just IDEAS for those whom are searching for a little something for someone, or to treat themselves!We can easily be guilted into ... Read the Post...
my honest Tasman UGGs review
my honest Tasman UGGs reviewREAD MY 2024 TASMAN UGG REVIEW UPADTE HERE!I'm almost two weeks in of owning the Tasman UGG slippers and considering I have worn them every single day since... I feel I can give a first impression review now :P I'll start by saying I LOVEEE them and think they're a great purchase! But sometimes my cup of tea isn't your cup of tea so I'll spill all the thoughts I've had during the last two week with my new babies!click ... Read the Post...
what I’d wear: October
"what I'd wear": Octobereeeek! This is so fun! I've decided to give this weekly "what I'd wear Wednesday's" thing a try over on my instagram stories and I'm LOVING IT! I hope you all are also! At the end of the month I'll add each outfit I put together in a blog post for you all to find easily. Though if you want to follow along weekly - follow me on instagram :)To shop the items in the photo you can simply click on the photo itself and it will ... Read the Post...
practical coats that are perfect for this fall
practical coats that are perfect for this fallI'm obsessed with all things practical fall coats, jackets, and vests! When it comes to colder weather I am very much a layers gal! I'm ALWAYS hottttttt, like I've said in manyyyy posts haha! Therefore, I like anything with layers that can be taken off or added at any given time! There are soo many good options out there that are also super cute, so I grab a few of my favorites and put them down ... Read the Post...