First thing’s first: If you have never been to Quebec City, Quebec Canada before, Add. That. To. Your. Bucket. List. ASAP! I promise you, it will NOT disappoint.
Lucky for me (and you reading) Quebec City is home to my hubby! Which not only means I get to visit a lot, but I was toured by Quebec’s finest, literally 😉 and I know all of the cool hidden gems! If you’re planning a trip this is something you are going to want to read!
Parlez-Vous Français ?!
Fun fact if you didn’t already know: the province of Quebec is the only province in Canada that speaks both English and French! Though when you get closer to the northern parts of Quebec, English can pretty much be nonexistent.
Also a quick fun fact: My husbands first language is French and when I met him for the first time in college, his english was RoUgH to say the least – and sometimes still is LOL!
If you are worried about the language barrier when visiting Quebec City, don’t! Most restaurants do have english menus and may even have a waiter/waitress who can either speak it.
Most signage is in both French and English so you’re able to get by without having to stop and ask!
Not to mention the amazing technology we have now a days. Where siri can help you hold an entire conversation with anyone. (literally how I speak with my in-laws) Or of course the Babble app to prepare you for your trip!
Tip: I’ve been visiting Quebec City, Quebec, Canada for 6 years and I STILL keep notes in my phone of french sayings or words that I’ve learned throughout the years!
*I know my Tim Hortons Coffee order by heart and that’s all that really matters right?!
Tip #2: like I briefly mentioned above, a HUGE help for me in learning French was the app, Babble. If you know in advance that you will be traveling to Quebec, or other places where you don’t speak the language, you neeeeeed to get this. Game changer!
Practice makes perfect permanent
1.) Parc De La Chute-Montmorency
This is hands down my favorite place while visiting Quebec City, Quebec, Canada and is 100% why I made it first! I make my hubs come here almost every night i’m in town (good thing he only lives 5mins away from it)
I have put a few pictures below to help you get a nice visual of this waterfall as i’m explaining it!
You can enter this park from the bottom, or the top! The bottom gives you the tourist feel, paying to park, walk through the welcome center, grab your brochures, pay to ride the cable car, pay to zip line etc.
My little tip below gets you the same feel but for free!
There is a Couche-Tard Gas Station at the top of the falls on Av Du Sault Rd next to a Mcdonalds that has a *mini* parking lot behind it and I suggest getting there early or going later for spots!
Then it’s just a walk across the street and down a pathway that will lead you to the suspension bridge that allows you to walk right over the top of the fall! (Seen in photo 1 & 2)
After you walk across the bridge there will be a path to follow and it’ll lead you to the steps! (seen in photo 3) Now, this is crazy! Check out the picture below… four hundred and eighty seven steps… yup.
+ the views
Don’t worry though, there are little huts along the way and if you want to stop for a breather …. or for a picture, they are there – no one has to know which one it’s for 😉
What’s even crazier … my husband runs those steps as a workout – yeah I married a loonie! Before you get to the steps, you’ll also see an entire grassy area that makes a GREAT picnic stop!!
Depending on the weather and the time of the year, they just added a cute little concession stand type hut to purchase snacks and beverages along the way!
I highly suggest walking all the way down so you get the perfect view from the bottom!! (seen in pic 1 & 3) It’s worth the steps, I promise!

2.) Fairmont Le Château Frontenac/Downtown QC
Downtown Quebec City, Quebec, Canada is like nothing i’ve ever seen before (and we live in Europe for part of the year). It’s seriously my favorite place. It’s hard to explain that “home like” feel but the best way is just saying that you’re in the middle of a big city and it’s just comfortable.
The cute boutique shops are so unique and fun to explore. My favorite is the year round christmas shop, La Boutique De Noel, and the Cool As a Moose shop! Oh wait, and of course the giant candy store Bec et BonBon!
If you google Quebec City, Quebec, Canada – the first thing that most likely pops up is the beautiful Fairmont Le Château Frontenac. This hotel is located right downtown Quebec City. (seen in pic 3)
You can literally see some part of this hotel almost every street you walk down, it’s amazing!
+ the perks
I was, and still am, so mesmerized by the beauty of this castle that our main reason to head downtown, usually, is to see it! And most days you get lucky – right outside of the castle there is usually always a fun street performance going on!
You’ll get an amazing view of the St. Lawrence River just on the other side of the castle, and most of the time you’ll catch a few sail boats going by (my fave!!)
I’m always so amazed when we head out for the night and suddenly the cute little town I saw during the day turned into this high class street of night clubs! Even that atmosphere is just so comfortable you’ll always feel safe! It’s beautiful the way the street is lit and the outdoor seating is full!

3.) La Cour Arrière Du Festibière
YES, that is a mouthful – so to make it short, simple and sweet for you in my own translation – POOL BAR BABY!! My husband and I actually found this one day on a walk to Le Cafe Du Monde. He didn’t even know it existed!!
After a long hot morning of walking through downtown, THIS, was the perfect place to come across!
This is my kind of place!!! Just find a seat where you can, stick your feet in the water, and just relax. Most days with a live band playing and the sun beating down — Maybe with a drink in your hand… or a pitcher… or two, no one is judging you!
Imagine closing your eyes, feet in the water, a drink in your hand, the sun shining, good music, and saying you’re in CANADA! Crazy thought, eh? This is definitely a spot you don’t want to miss out on when you’re visiting.

4.) Chez Ashton
My last two MUST see are basically must EATs! If you know Canada, you know poutine! And yes, there are many fancy/nice restaurants that serve quality poutine, but lets be real… you want the OG poutine, the classics!!!
You can’t take a trip to QC without stopping in an Ashton’s! Look, I am the pickiest eater on this planet – it took me two years to just TRY poutine, and of course now I crave it for dinner every night i’m there!
My husband gets all crazy and adds all the meat and stuff but I stick to my picky roots and go for the plain. YUM! (seen in pic 1)
Just type one of these bad boys in your GPS and i’m sure about 10 will pop up in a 5 mile radius! Sort of like Tim Hortons – there is l i t e r a l l y one on every single corner, you wont go without I can tell you that!
5.) Eggsquis
I’m not a huge breakfast food person (except for anything french toast and bacon). We eat at Eggsquis almost every other day i’m in town. no joke. The portion sizes are unreal… (and i’m American…) my mouth WATERS when we walk in and wait for our table. wow. Even typing this i’m so excited for my next trip coming up.
They do lunch as well, but make sure to get in there, they close at 3pm! Note: They have English menus and I have rarely came across a waitress/waiter that didn’t speak some English!

If you’ve made it this far, I really hope you were able to gather some information for your next trip (or bucket list bullet points!) I had so much writing this piece because this place is truly my favorite place on earth, so far!
If you have any questions at all about other places to see/do in QC please feel free to email me, i’d LOVE to chat more!! Also, for more pictures and videos of the beautiful Quebec City follow me on Instagram and check out the travel highlight!
Oh my goodness!! The pool bar looks like my kind of place to go! Love it! Thanks for the tips!
Yes girl same!! Glad I could help!
I have ALWAYS wanted to visit Quebec 😍! I am saving all of your suggestions for our trip!!
I’m so glad to hear that!! You won’t be let down 🤗
This is awesome! You will not be disappointed I promise ☺️
Love this! I’m from Texas and have always always wanted to visit Quebec (especially to practice my French haha)! Great photos!
That’s awesome!! I highly highly suggest it, it will not let you down!!
Great post! Thanks for the breakfast recommendations!
You’re welcome!! I could not recommend it enough!!
Wow lovely place, pretty park and the waterfall.
stunning castle, so colourful. Canada is my wish
already long time..
Thank you so much! You will not be disappointed, I promise!
So glad I found This blog post! I have been wanting to visit so this is perfect!!! Definitely going to pin this for when we can travel again.
I’m so glad you liked it and are able to keep it for your future travel! 💗
Great post! We visited Quebec City last summer on our first Candian road trip and it was amazing! My first time trying poutine there and it was delicious.
That’s awesome! I have not met a person yet that has visited and didn’t like it, thanks for sharing! And yes SAME!! Poutine is now my fave meal there 😋
I’m glad you had a great time! Canada is just too beautiful! Hopefully I can visit and trek around.
I hope the same for you, you will not be disappointed 😊
I Love this. Keep up the great content!!
-The Blogging ‘Zoomer’
Thank you so much! 🙂
I would love to visit Quebec City with my wife and daughter someday. We’ve never visited Canada. The pool bar looks awesome! Thanks for sharing.
You all will not be disappointed! Excited for you to venture up!! Pool bar is definitely a hit 🙂
Love it 😍 and pinned on my pinterest.
Wish traveling with you. Lol 🤪
Hey Baylor, these are some really awesome tips. More Millenials and Zoomers need to see this! Thank you for sharing.
– The Blogging Zoomer
Thank you so much for the kind words!